My family and I went to the zoo yesterday. We left our apartment to find a taxi which took a long time for us to get. Finally we found a taxi. It was an Ecuadorian zoo and its name is Amaru Zoologica. It was very different than the Birmingham zoo. It is different than our zoo because there are many different animals and they’re all over the place. I got to get up close to the animals – some I could actually touch. We weren’t allowed to touch them, but we did it anyway. It wasn’t boring. It was exciting!

My favorite animals were a lion, a monkey, a crocodile, and a llama. I liked the lion because it was soooooo close to us. I liked the monkeys because they were so cute and they could go anywhere they want. And guess what: they use their hands like humans. I liked the llamas because they almost spit at me, which was really cool. And I got to pet one!

Last but not least is I’m sooooo grateful that I got to go to this awesome zoo here in Cuenca. Plus, my awesome dad helped me write this post, correct my spelling, and so much more. I hope you liked it, and this video we made:

Join the Conversation


  1. That does sound like a wonderful zoological experience! (And yes, very different than the Bham Zoo!) As you know, lions are my favorite. I always look forward to visiting them at any zoo! Please keep sharing about all the amazing experiences you’re having. I’m SO enjoying keeping up with the Gale’s! Miss you but am so excited for you all!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dallas, please tell your Mom and Dad that I send them love and kisses and hugs and prayers, too. (Not just my grandchildren). I know that your schedule is busy, but believe me, it will be worth it in the end.🐢


  3. Tank you so much for sharing your experiences in such an open way! It makes me so happy to see people doing things I dream about!
    That zoo is awesome! Those cheetahs are beautiful! Thanks again!


  4. Awesome blog post and video Dallas! I loved the parrots! It’s really cool to see what you guys are up to on your family adventure. Thank you for sharing! 😊


  5. Hi Dallas,
    I had left a comment on the FB post but I just wanted you to know I loved your blog….I’m enjoying following you guys!
    Kevin Sport


  6. What a great blog post, Dallas! I love to go to zoos in other places and see how they stack up against our Birmingham Zoo. Sounds like you had an amazing time! 🙂


  7. Dallas, this sounds like just the hands-on experience you really look for at a zoo. I love to pet the llamas and alpacas to feel their soft fur. Great blog entry!


  8. How cool! Thanks for the post!
    I wish I could let those Ecuador llamas too!
    Love that video. Can’t wait to see what you guys do next!


  9. Don’t let the lions eat you Dallas! I’m so glad you’re having a good time. Keep up the fun posts!


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